12 Eylül 2011

Manastırlı Hilmi Beye Birinci Mektup

There these rains, there this balcony, there me…
There this begonia, there loneliness
There the water drops on my forehead, on my arms
There the city that is born out of my disappearance
I am moving no where, leaking only to myself
What I am is a huge hollow;
On the couch, on the reflection in the mirror
A hollow! On the table, in the kitchen, on my bed
It is like I am leading life backwards
I catch up and pass over from time to time
As to say, a season comes to an end in a couple of hours.
Is today Monday?  The state of the door and window
indicates it is Tuesday.

I sold the big clock in the living room
There is no clock that can tell any piece of time.
I am like insects that know not where they go
Really,What’s the need of time for a hollow, For a life hollowed out?
I often go out in the balcony
Walking a long, long way in there
I catch the first colour of a town
For instance I am at a tea garden in Umraniye sometimes
A path to the memories..
And a garden lingering to the memories..
Whichever leaf I pull off, the last memory is left in my palm
‘Shall we drink coffee in Yenikoy?’ I asked this morning.
this morning…this morning…
No one took notice-was it Monday?-
I was almost getting out of my hollow, and my begonia was among roses
How come?
I mean roses among roses
and a gull on the bar of the balcony. I said:
‘The sea must be somewhere around’
Not a sound in the house.
‘The sea must be somewhere around’
No sound.
It is as if all tea spots are closed
and there is a street from the sky to the hills..
Or I am a river let’s say.
And the sea is

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